"What the hell?" Anna looks at you with her mouth wide open.
The watch glitches,
//BEEEP..// and the beep sound dies.
You look around and there are no windows and you don't fall back into the loop.
"I did it!" you scream as a smile slowly spreads to your eyes.
You hug Anna and she stands there stiff and speechless.
"We escaped the loop!" you scream throwing fists of joy in the air.
You explain the email to Anna and the joy slowly spread to her as well. She is impressed and thankful that you helped her.
Suddenly a researcher enters inside, "Anna! We have reestablished contact with the research team!" he announces. Anna and you exchange a smile.
You are praised highly by the scientists and researchers at the space station. They offer you a free visit near the red planet which you politely reject as you want to be as far away from it as possible due to recent nightmare experiences. Instead, you are offered a job at the space station which you decide to take as you want to expand your horizons. You get assigned a cozy space in the space station with //your own coffee machine// and a mesmerizing view.
"My stupid planet doesn't have this stuff, it's so good," you think to yourself while sipping a warm cup of coffee.
A journey of new experiences begins after the time loop nightmare.
You are happy and so is everyone you saved.
ENDING 5 - The True Ending
[[Thanks for Playing!->thanks-for-playing]]Anna sighs. "I don't like that but if we are stuck in a time loop I guess you didn't have a choice," she replies. "So did you find anything?"
"There was an email from a guy, Ryan. He warned you about keeping your new watch away from liquids. Then there was a spam email and oh yeah email from this guy about the walkie talkie, he is a weird one," you say chucking a little.
Suddenly anna screams with surprise, "What! Wait! What did you say? Tell me again!"
"This guy, he gave you a walkie talkie I think? His grandfather.."
She interupts, "No, No! About Ryan! He said to keep my watch away from liquids. Yes, it all makes sense! This watch could be the cause for all this because of the anomolies. Yes. I know what to do!" she says running to the coffee machine.
You follow her and look at her astonished face. "The machine is broken!" she says putting her hands on her forehead.
"Yeah... that, sorry about that, I did that," you reply embarrisingly.
Suddenly your vision blurs and you start to feel dizzy. Do you fe.. feel dizzy?" you speak with a lot of effort.
"Are you okay? Oh no, did we do something wrong?" she looks around concerned. "Ah! What if we are exiting the boundries of the loop and that's...
[[what is happening?->coffeeroom]]You observe the desk. There are multiple technological devices that look too cool to touch. One of them looks like a walkie talkie with a long antenna. Under a small cactus plant, a few papers are spread around. Her computer screen seems to be on standby mode displaying some statistics you don't understand.
(if: $window_cracked is not true)[ [[Throw the small cactus at the window?->cactus-throw]]](else:)[ [[Throw the small cactus at the window?->window-bad-ending]]]
(if: $walkie_talkie_done is not true)[ [[Try contacting the team from the walkie talkie, maybe Anna is lying?->try-walkie-talkie]]]
[[Read the papers closely->papers]]
[[Check anna's computer->laptop]]
[[Back to the lab->lab-breakout]](set: $wait_duration to it + 1)
(text-colour:black)[Anna enters the breakroom again. "Hey I thought you were following me?" she says with a confused look. "Let's go," she says gesturing towards the door leaving you alone again.]
(if: $wait_duration is <= 4)[
[[Wait a few more minutes for no reason->breakout]]
[[Follow her out->hallway]](set: $wait_duration to it + 1) (text-colour:black)[Anna enters the breakroom again. "Hey! Why are you sitting on the ground?" she says with an embaressed and confused look.
"Are you okay?" she asks you but you stay on the ground in silence.
"Come on! Get up!" she says grabbing you up and then stands at the door waiting for you to enter.
You don't feel like embarrasing yourself anymore.]
[[Follow her out->hallway]](text-colour:black)[This time you stand still. You look around with confusion flowing through your brain.
"I should have known, it's a hidden space station researching questionable technology after all. Are they trying to experiment with me?" you think to yourself.
You follow her again and again trying to change the conversation or tell her this has already happened but you always find yourself staring at the red planet again. You follow her to the breakroom again and suddenly stop in your steps.
"Am I stuck in a time loop?" You ask yourself and that is the only explanation that makes sense to you. You think back to all the media you have consumed in the past with time loop concepts and try to think about how people escape from the loop.
"There has to be some way to break the loop, what should I try?"]
[[Go back through the door you came through->trying-pin]]
[[Check out the coffee machine->coffee-machine]]
[[Follow her ->hallway]]
(if: $wait_duration is < 3)[ [[Wait in this room->wait-in-room]]](else-if: $wait_duration is 3)[ [[Wait in this room->anna-reenter]]](else:)[ [[Wait in this room->last-wait]]](set: $window_cracked to true)
You throw the cactus on the window leaving a crack in the window. You got your anger out.
[[Place the cactus back->anna-desk]]
[[Try throwing it once more ->window-bad-ending]]You hear some static and then suddenly you hear a *ting*
"Hey AN! Wow, did 4546-B vanish from space? How are you today? I didn't expect this," a voice speaks in a comedic tone.
"Hello? I am fine," you reply back trying to immitate Anna's voice.
There is a slight pause."You okay? Why do you sound so weird today? What happened to your sweet voice. (You roll your eyes.) Did you drink too much coffee by any chance? I told you to slow down on those and try the tea I sent you. You never told me how you liked that. Did you know it's made from the leaves of daisyberry trees only found in the Haven forests? Haven forests! Would you like to make a trip with me there sometime? That would be cool. We can try foraging! Or maybe we can just walk around and look at the trees and the skies. The skies are pretty there, like wonderful. The air is just so clean. You also see 3 moons lined up at the night! That will never be not cool and then..." The voice keeps talking endlessly and you zone out trying to stay awake...
(link: "You dont like him. Cut the call") [
(set: $walkie_talkie_done to true)
(go-to: "anna-desk")
(if: $window_cracked is true)[[[Try throwing walkie talkie on the window?->window-bad-ending]]](else:)[ [[Try throwing walkie talkie on the window?->throw-walkie-talkie]]]You pour another warm cup and drink it sip by sip. It is still pretty delicious.
[[Back to coffee machine->coffee-machine]]
[[Drink even more coffee->coffee-3]]You take yet another cup of coffee gulping it down. It tastes kinda funny. Maybe you should stop.
[[Back to coffee machine->coffee-machine]]
[[Drink more more more coffee->coffee-4]]You drink another cup or cups? You cannot remember how much you have gulped away. Your eyelid is twitching and your hands are jittery. You keep smelling the coffee beans and it feels so good.
[[Back to coffee machine->coffee-machine]]
[[Drink coffee more beans coffee->coffee-5]]You drink more coffee or are you chewing on the beans now? You don't mind the warmth as the coffee consumes you.
"Hey, that was my coffee!" you hear a funky voice from behind you. You turn around and see a giant cactus-like creature standing in front of you with a mug in its green limb. "You don't own this coffee!" you scream back at him trying to make another cup. "Hey! That's my beans you keep chewing!" the green cactus says as it proceeds towards you. He slaps you and you fall down on the ground. "It's okay, some people have addiction problems. Let me help you," he says in his funky voice as he grabs you and makes you stand up straight.
You look around the room and there is no one. A burning sensation behind your back makes you turn around. There is wide open space filled with stars and the large bright red planet moving towards you. The red planet almost looks like a face of a monster opening wide waiting for you to step in. You turn around and there is no space station. Just you, floating in space as you get swallowed by the planet.
Too much coffee is bad.
[[Thanks for Playing!->thanks-for-playing]]You throw coffee at Anna's watch. She immediately dodges your attack. Her reflexes are pretty quick. "What was that about?" she screams at you in horror. She steps back away from you with fear in her eyes. You try to explain yourself but found yourself at a loss of words. "Security!" she screams and a couple of men enter the room suited and armed. They grab you and put a set of glasses on your eyes that blind your vision. You are pushed around a lot until the glasses are removed and you find yourself in what looks like a fancy room with a glass door but then you look around and realise it's a space prison cell...
You couldn't help Anna and the others out of the loop and spend the rest of your life in prison.
[[Thanks for Playing!->thanks-for-playing]]It seems like a perfectly normal (if: $coffee_machine_empty is true)[//broken//] coffee machine.
(if: $coffee_machine_empty is true)[ [[Try to fix the coffee machine->try-fix-coffee-machine]]]
[[Break the coffee machine->coffee-machine-empty]]
(if: $coffee_machine_empty is not true)[ [[Drink coffee->drink-coffee]]]
[[Back to break room->breakout]](if: $coffee_machine_empty is not true)[
You punch the coffee machine but now your knuckles hurt. Then you look around and see a hammer like thing lying on the slab. You slam the machine hard with it again and again until it seems pretty broken and unfunctional. Then, you unplug it, lift it up and throw it on the ground. You feel relieved and then pick it up and put it back on the slab.
(set: $coffee_machine_empty to true)
The machine is already broken, how angry are you at this innocent machine?
[[back->coffee-machine]](set: $wait_duration to 0)
(if: $has_looped_once is true)[(text-colour:black)[//You notice the lack of windows in this room.//]] (text-colour:black)["So then, to the matter at hand," you say as Anna takes a seat. She thinks for a moment(if: $has_coffee is true)[ as you both sip on your warm coffee](else-if: $coffee_machine_empty is not true)[ as she sips her warm coffee].
"Well, what do you know about 4546-B?"
"454-what?" you ask with confusion.
"The planet we are orbiting," she looks around briefly to point out of a window but the breakroom has none.
"The only thing I know is that I have been summoned to a highly classified research station that most of the public doesn't even know exists," you reply in the hope to get answers.
She raises an eyebrow, "The research will be public soon enoug-" //BEEP BEEP// Both of you look at the watch on her wrist, which now had a small orange LED blinking at slow intervals.
"Let's keep moving," Anna says as she stands up and takes hurried steps out the door on the other side of the room.]
[[Follow her out the door->hallway]]
(if: $has_looped_once is true)[ [[Wait a second, didnt we already have this conversation?->hallway-first-loop]]]
(if: $has_looped_many is true)[ [[Yes we definitely did have this conversation!?->breakout]]]
(if: $knows_watch_trick is true)[(if: $has_coffee is true)[ [[Throw coffee on her watch->coffee-dodge-ending]]]](set: $knows_watch_trick to true)
(text-colour:black)[Hey Anna!
Hope the progress is going good with the red project. I have been really excited to finally let you use the prototype communication device! It looks like a watch so it will match perfectly with your overall look as well. Make sure to test all its features. An important warning though, //keep it far away from any form of liquid, it can mess up with the quantum entanglement!// Hope you like it. Good luck with research!
[[Back->correct-password]](text-colour:black)[You enter Anna's employee number backwords and her email account opens up. There are several new emails on the screen.]
[[Congratulations!! You just won $1,000,000 in a giveaway!->scam-email]]
[[Your New Communication Device->comm-device-email]]
[[Walkie Talkie->walkie-talkie-email]]
[[Back->anna-desk]]You take a sip of the warm coffee feeling it travel down your throat. It's delicious.
[[Back to coffee machine->coffee-machine]]
[[Drink more coffee->coffee-2]]You walk to the experiment station. There are multiple devices that look too delicate and complicated. You touch a button on one of them and it beeps twice then shuts off. You decide to ignore that. At the other corner, you see multiple test tubes connected to each other with strange liquids in each of them. There are a few scribbles notes lying on the table. You try to read and make sense of things but have no idea what is going on here. You decide to leave it alone.
[[Back to the lab->lab-breakout]]
(if: $knows_watch_trick is true)[
(if: $coffee_machine_empty is true)[
(if: $has_coffee is not true)[
(if: $has_mug is true)[
(link: "Pour the glowing mysterious liquid from the beaker into the mug, no one will know it's not coffee! Just need to not drink it")[
(set: $has_coffee to true)
(go-to: "lab-breakout")
]]]](text-colour:black)[You try to explain to Anna that you are stuck in a time loop. Anna gives you a confused look and does not believe you. You tell her about the information she have told you before. She is surprised but assumes that you were informed about the situation by someone else. You try to convince her again and again making her frustrated. "Stop making up stories!" she replies with slight anger in her voice. "Just listen to me, this is important," she says.]
[[Keep listening to her->coffeeroom]]
(if: $knows_pin is true)[ [[I know your lab pincode, it's //1234//!->proof-pin]]]
(if: $window_cracked is true)[ [[I know your lab window is cracked!->proof-cracked-window]]]
(if: $knows_password is true)[ [[I know your computer password!->proof-password]]]You follow her out to a long hallway(if: $has_coffee is true)[ with warm coffee in your hand]. It has two huge glass windows on either side, one side facing the red planet and the endless field of stars on the other.
"That's a fancy watch you have," you say as you follow alongside her.
"It's not part of my research actually. A friend from the quantum tunneling department gave it to me, it's a new communication device prototype! But yes, the planet, you see its redness? That's not normal and that is what my team is studying here."
You gaze at the planet again, it looks beautiful in the way volcanos look beautiful, from afar.
"The planet's magnetic field has weird quantum anomalies in it," she continues. "We sent a team of researchers with a spacecraft loaded with sensors to have a closer look and they have gone radio silent, that's where you come in."
You look Anna in the eyes, "Yeah I was wondering what an air force pilot was doing in a classified research station," you chuckled. "I can help you with that, you can depend on me," you continue in a serious tone and Anna nods.
"That's a relief", she says as you both arrive at a sealed door at the end of the hallway. (if: $has_looped_many is true)[//This time, you observe her enter //1234// on the keypad and go in. "Damn that's a weak passcode, yikes," you wonder to yourself.//(set: $knows_pin to true)]
[[Follow her through the door ->lab]]
(if: $knows_watch_trick is true)[(if: $has_coffee is true)[ [[Throw coffee on her watch->throw-coffee]]]]You follow her out to the hallway(if: $has_coffee is true)[ with warm coffee in your hand]. "These windows look pretty cool," you say to her trying to change the conversation.
"Yeah, the space station is designed well. I love to gaze out from these windows as a leisure activity, spotting different stars. But yes, the planet, you see its redness? That's not normal and that is what my team is studying here."
You gaze at the planet again, it looks the same, still mesmerizing. You feel like you are in a dream.
"The planet's magnetic field has weird quantum anomalies in it," she continues. "We sent a team of researchers with a spacecraft loaded with sensors to have a closer look and they have gone radio silent, that's where you come in."
You stare at the planet wondering why you are having such a strong deja vu.
"Hey! Are you listening?" you suddenly jerk back to reality.
"Yeah um yeah why?" You ask while perplexed about the situation.
"To help with rescue," she replies giving you a slightly concerned look.
You both arrive at the sealed door again. (if: $has_looped_many is true)[//This time, you observe her enter //1234// on the keypad and went in. "Even 'Highly classified' securty is still bad, huh" you wondered.//(set: $knows_pin to true)]
[[Follow her through the door again? ->lab-first-loop]](set: $has_visited_lab_once to true)
You come across a big room that looks like a research lab with all kinds of equipment small and large strewn about. Anna heads toward one of the stations positioned right beside a large glass window overlooking the planet.
Collecting a few papers from her desk, she starts speaking, "The team went silent 8 hours ago, the quantum guys are still trying to troubleshoot the communications array and reestablish contact, but we are getting worried and want you to start a search and rescue operation immediately."
Anna pauses for a moment examining a paper as you glance around the lab.
"The last known coordinates were -" she suddenly shoots a look towards a dark corner of the lab. You follow her gaze and see her looking at one of the CCTV cameras.
"Actually, let's talk somewhere private," she says as she walks past the window to yet another door. Before following her you look out the window and consider the mission you are about to undertake.
[[ Look out the window ->window]]
(if: $knows_watch_trick is true)[(if: $has_coffee is true)[ [[Throw coffee on her watch->throw-coffee]]]]
(if: $has_looped_many is true)[ [[You look around the lab instead->lab-breakout]]]You look around the lab, conscious of the CCTV camera in the corner. There is Anna's desk in front of the window with some stuff lying around and a set of shelves beside it. Different lab equipment and machines are placed around the room. You observe a complicated experiment station near a wall with various graphs and spreadsheets on display.
[[Check the things on Anna's desk->anna-desk]]
[[Try to unplug the machines->unplug-machines]]
[[Examine the shelves->shelves]]
[[Examine the experiment station->exp-station]]
[[Look out the window->window]](set: $has_looped_many to true)
You enter the research lab again. Anna heads over to the same station positioned right beside the large glass window.
Collecting a few papers from her desk, she starts speaking, "The team went silent 8 hours ago, the quantum guys are still trying to troubleshoot the communications array and reestablish contact, but we are--"
You interrupt, "Yeah I know you want me to start the search and rescue. Didn't you already tell me that?"
Anna looks at you strangely confused by your sudden interruption.
"Right, I did tell you. I was just explaining more," she replies slowly with some irritation in her voice. She shoots a look towards the CCTV again.
"Actually, let's talk somewhere private," she says as she walks past the window and through the door again before you could stop her.
[[ Look out the window again? ->window]]You look at the computer screen.
[[Try random password->random-password]]
(if: $knows_password is true)[[[Use reverse employee ID as password->correct-password]]]
[[Back->anna-desk]](text-colour:black)[You wait some more. You sit down on the ground never intending to ever move again. You just wait and keep waiting...]
[[Keep waiting->anna-reenter2]](set: $knows_password to true)
[[Back to the desk->anna-desk]]"What?" Anna is confused at first but then you tell her to check the window out. You both go to the lab and look at the window. It is cracked in the middle.
Anna is weirded out even more. She observes the crack up close wondering how it happened. "Either you are telling the truth or that is a very big coincidence," she says more confused than ever walking back to the breakroom.
[[Try to convince her more->flow-break]](text-colour:black)[Anna nods and agree. You both sit down and try to discuss and look for clues. She suggests some new solutions to try but they don't work. Confused and tired, you both are filled with worry when suddenly you start to feel dizzy.
"Do you fe.. feel dizzy?" you speak using a lot of effort.
"Are you okay? Oh no, did we do something wrong?" she looks around concerned. "Ah! What if we are exiting the boundries of the loop and that's...]
[[What is happening?->coffeeroom]](text-colour:black)[Anna looks you in the eye. "It's your employee ID backwards and before you say anything, I also know you collected a walkie talkie recently and you know someone named Amber. You also have a 'destroy walkie talkie' task on your to-do list. I examined the papers on your desk," you explain in detail.
She looks at you with disbelief.
"I couldn't have known all this information in any other way. I just arrived here today and we just met," you continue.
Anna stays silent for a few moments processing what she just heard. She takes some frantic steps around the breakroom with disbelief flowing through her eyes.
"This is so strange and weird. I don't know what to say," she says in worried voice.
"But.. I will believe you. Strange things have been happening recently and you proved yourself. But what do we do then?" she looks at you with trust this time.]
[[I am not sure. Let's try to discuss and find a solution together?->proof-none]]
(if: $knows_watch_trick is true)[ [[I also read your emails....]]]
(if: $knows_watch_trick is true)[(if: $has_coffee is true)[ [[I read your email from Ryan. Give me your watch, I want to try something...->true-ending]]]](text-colour:black)[Anna gasps and thinks for a moment. "But you could have guessed it easily," she says and then explains "All passwords in the space station were recently reset as a security protocol and so the PIN was set to default. I had plans to change it today."]
[[Try something else->flow-break]]You try different random passwords. None of them work.
[[Go back->laptop]]You try entering a random pin. The keypad beeps once and the display turns red. You feel stupid.
Congratualtions!! You have won $1,000,000 in a giveaway. To claim your price, click on the link below:
You can immediately get the money in your account after entering your details.
[[Back->correct-password]]You observe the set of shelves. On the bottom shelf, there's a strange set of shoes. On the middle shelf, there is a cool helmet with neon lights. You try it on and nothing happens. You want to steal it but return to your investigation. On the top shelf, there are some random items that probably belong to Anna. A fountain pen, an octopus keychain with some keys, a small box with some jewelry, and a woolen plushie of a penguin. You notice a polaroid at the back, you grab it and take a look. It is Anna with a young green haired girl facing opposite the camera looking at the sky. "Hmm maybe her family?" you wonder and put it back. There is nothing else of importance.
[[Back to the lab->lab-breakout]]Thanks for playing!
There are 5 total endings in the game, one of them is the //true ending//. Did you get them all?
[[Reset the loop->window]]
Attribution for images
(set: $has_looped_once to false)
(set: $has_looped_many to false)
(set: $has_visited_lab_once to false)
(set: $knows_pin to false)
(set: $has_coffee to false)
(set: $has_mug to false)
(set: $coffee_machine_empty to false)
(set: $knows_watch_trick to false)
(set: $window_cracked to false)
(set: $walkie_talkie_done to false)
(set: $knows_password to false)You throw coffee at her watch. She screams from surprise as the hot coffee burns her skin. She looks at you feeling threatened. "Why did you do that?" she screams. Strange glitchy holograms start coming out from the watch. Suddenly from the side of your eye, you notice a burst of light on the red planet at the same time. You start to feel really dizzy...
[[What is happening?->coffeeroom]](set: $window_cracked to true)
You throw the walkie talkie on the window leaving a crack in the window. You got your anger out.
[[Place the walkie talkie back->anna-desk]]
[[Try throwing once more ->window-bad-ending]](text-colour:black)["You read my emails?" she says feeling a bit upset.
"I had no choice, I had to look for clues to escape this loop," you reply.
Anna looks at you and then speaks in a soft voice, "You are right. I guess I would have done the same."
She hesitates a little but then takes off her watch from her wrist and hands it to you. You nod and put it inside the coffee mug...]
[[Put the watch inside-> truetrue-ending]]You tried. It doesnt work. You don't know what to do. You are not an engineer.
[[Back to coffee machine->coffee-machine]]
(if: $knows_watch_trick is true)[
(if: $coffee_machine_empty is true)[
(if: $has_coffee is not true)[
(link: "You were not able to fix the machine but you take the mug anyways")[
(set: $has_mug to true)
(go-to: "coffee-machine")
]]]You look at the interesting walkie talkie and curiously pick it up. "Could this be used to contact the researchers who went to study the anomilies?" You wonder. You doubt Anna a little bit. "What if she is lying? What if the team is fine?" You ask yourself. "But why would she do that?" There is a volume dial and a channel dial on the walkie talkie. You try to contact the team with the walkie talkie...
[[Turn the channel dial->channel-dial]]This door is sealed. There is a keypad on one side.
[[Try a random PIN->random-pin]]
[[Go back->breakout]]
(if: $knows_pin is true)[[[Enter pin //1234//->lab-breakout]]]You try to unplug some of the machines in hope that it might make the loop stop. You try with two small ones and nothing happens. You see a huge machine that looks of great importance. Searching for its plug, you grab it and pull it out of the socket. Immediately, a loud siren starts to blare in the room with blinking red lights on the ceiling. You look around panicking and just remember about the CCTV camera. Anna enters the room and looks at you in shock. "Security!" she screams and a couple of men enter the room suited and armed. You try to explain but they don't listen to you. They grab you and put a set of glasses on your eyes that blind your vision. You are pushed around a lot until the glasses are removed and you find yourself in what looks like a fancy room with a glass door but then you look around and realise it's a space prison cell...
You couldn't help Anna and the others out of the loop and spend the rest of your life in prison.
[[Thanks for Playing!->thanks-for-playing]](set: $wait_duration to it + 1)
(text-colour:black)[You wait for a few minutes in the breakroom, wondering what to do.
(if: $wait_duration is 1)[
(if: $wait_duration is 2)[
//*more crickets*//
(if: $wait_duration is 3)[
//*still crickets*//
[[Wait a few more minutes->breakout]](text-colour:black)[Hey AN,
How are you doing? Hope you loved my walkie talkie. We can really communicate easily with that! I really like its design. Picked a good model for you, didn't I? Anyways, you can contact me through it anytime. I am not busy at all so I will pick up whenever you dial. That reminds me of telephones. Those were the good times. Did you know my grandfather actually still has one at his house in Avel City? I visited him recently and he has a collection of old tech. It is pretty awesome. We can go there sometime and I can show you! He would love some company. He is usually a very friendly guy. I gotta go and help this new guy who came in today. Reply back soon through the walkie talkie! I'll be waiting! I mean I'll be working but also waiting since the walkie talkie is always on my belt. Talk soon!
Bye Bye AN]
[[Back->correct-password]](if: $has_visited_lab_once is true)[(set: $has_looped_once to true)]
The mysterious swirling gas giant floats in space with red clouds intermixing like fresh paint dissolving in water on its surface. It mesmerizes you like its calling to you. The saturated redness of the planet is somewhat softened by the radiation shielding on the glass windows of the space station.
"They clearly spared no expense on this space station, to put it so close to this beautiful yet dangerous planet," you think to yourself as you step away from the window and walk into the door you were suppose to go through.
Inside, you observe the small break room, a large round table sits in the center with chairs around it. A neat and almost untouched kitchenette is on the other side of the room. Anna is over at the coffee machine(if: $coffee_machine_empty is not true)[ pouring a cup of coffee]. With cherry curls falling at the side of her face, slightly off-center spectacles, and a futuristic labcoat, the scientist you just met 5 minutes ago looks stressed like she has something weighing on her mind. Her faint golden eyes blink continuously.
(if: $coffee_machine_empty is not true)[
"Would you like a coffee?", she asks.
(if: $has_coffee is not true)[
(link: "Take a coffee")[
(set: $has_coffee to true)
(go-to: "coffeeroom")
[[ Politely refuse ->coffeeroom]]
(if: $has_looped_many is true)[[[This is starting to feel weird ->coffeeroom]]]
(if: $has_coffee is true)[[[Umm, I already have coffee?->coffeeroom]]]
(if: $knows_watch_trick is true)[(if: $has_coffee is true)[ [[Throw coffee on her watch->coffee-dodge-ending]]]]
She looks at the coffee machine with surprise. "Wait, why is the machine broken? I would have offered coffee but apparently it's broken, I am sorry" she says.
She seems even more nervous than before.
[[Nevermind the coffee, so what were you saying? ->coffeeroom]]
[[So this will sound weird, but I think we are in a time loop->flow-break]]
(if: $knows_watch_trick is true)[(if: $has_coffee is true)[ [[Throw coffee on her watch->coffee-dodge-ending]]]]
(if: $has_coffee is true)[[[No worries, I already have coffee?->coffeeroom]]]]You throw it at the glass and the crack slowly spread to the whole window shattering it into pieces. You duck down from the shock and suddenly get swept off your feet and float outside. Glass crystals reflecting the red light of the planet float around you, some wounding you. All the lab's equipment and machines keep exiting from the window you just broke. You flap around your arms but cannot make any significant change in your movement.
You will now keep floating in space forever.
[[Thanks for Playing!->thanks-for-playing]]