
Broken Reality

What’s behind the painting
Hanging on the wall
There could be anything there
And I won’t know
A wall
A broken window
A face
A world
I hesitate to touch it
Cause that decides my reality
It could change everything
Or it already did
An alternate universe
Where we do what we want
And nothing can stop us
Or we cannot ever do what we want
Cause we lie trapped
Inside our minds
Shallow whispers forcing in
Repeating itself again and again
It’s like how you lose focus
When hearing a ticking clock
It’s all you can hear
Is what you think
The eyes are open
Yet see nothing
You can breathe
But the air feels sharp
Like it’s slightly scratching your skin
And your skin is there but feels absent
Like it’s gone
But there’s a strong tone in the voice
That is speaking to your blood
And you forget how to feel
The painting is still there
But you cannot tell what it is
No matter how many times you look
And there’s three of them
Or that’s what you think
You think you understand what you read
And what you see
But it’s just a puppet’s manipulation
An imagination
You don’t get it
You never will
Wake up
Stop listensi-reading
You can read
Don’t stop