
Crafted Words of Sentiments

Feaun: The feeling when the first drop of cold rain touches your warm skin and suddenly your mind empties all thoughts to notice it;

Cyra: The feeling when your eyes focus on the brightness of the sun and your vision is blinded for a few seconds;

Anelom: The feeling of inhaling the familiar scent of your childhood home that is absent everywhere else;

Lyrun: The feeling when you make eye contact with an animal or a creature and you wonder what goes on inside their minds;

Boraytus: The feeling when you forget something you spoke a second ago like it was deleted from existence by your brain;

Aureline: The feeling when the wind hits you in a serene moment flowing through the strands of your hair;

Entanome: The feeling when you wake up and that lucid dream feels like a real past memory;

Vaeyl:  The feeling when the notes of music enter your ears and touch your soul;

Relumn: The feeling of pain when you are just friends with that one person;

Twelt: The feeling of living the same day on repeat and you can’t make it stop;

Auvmel: The feeling of strong urge to know what happens after humans die;