Curiosity flows like teardrops out of those hazel eyes,
Thrashing waves of his head flood my brain with him.
His existence grows flowers in my monochrome life,
Craving for a fairy tale ending as if I am in a film.
Some pieces of red I pick up and devour for myself,
Light rays from a prism fall on my pitch black heart.
Does he notice the butterflies that escape? I cannot tell,
A kaleidoscopic canvas, a sculptor, he is a fragment of art.
Overflowing overwhelm being able to breathe oxygen,
His indistinct actions appear orphic, triggers my interest.
His face lighting up cures every inch of me like medicine,
Trembling limbs, cold shivers, jammed mind come to a rest.
Enchantment of beauty shatters revealing the soul within;
The ghost spirit bites my dreams as the poison seeps in.