

Supernova: an explosion of a star.
Blinding colors splash.
Caution: too hot to touch.
Destruction crawls on the edge.
Endless fall into the black hole.
Forever on repeat in my mind.
Gravity collapses itself,
hindering your balance
in the milky way.
Jewels of chemical elements.
Kaleidoscopic view.
Like a firecracker it bursts.
Motionless sounds are heard.
Naked eye loses control.
Or it melts into a waterfall.
Photographing nuclear fusion.
Quick in a milisecond.
Rotating like a tornado.
Sprinkling cosmic rays.
Twinkle turned to black.
Universe devours it all.
Velocity is a weapon.
Walls of rubidium form.
eXistential crisis hits.
Years of anticipation.
Zwicky called it: Supernova.