Long car ride in motion. A feeling of elation. Bundled
in the back seat with your cousins. Staying up and then falling
asleep a bit too soon. Heavy faces from shoulder to shoulder. Dad
smiles through the rare view mirror. A nostalgic memory built together
while moving on a road. Driving through unfamiliar places, encountering unfamiliar faces. In morning
the sunshine glows inside. Charging back all the energy. Inventing games on the spot, doodling with
hands on the top. That is all it was. A jolly long car ride overflowing with fondness for life. On the
next day when its missed, take your keys and drive into the abyss. Forget about the heavy weight of
adulthood. Open your hair and sing to the tunes. This time you might miss the energy but take a
pause and you will feel free. Relax. Go fast but do not be in a rush. Life goes on and that is enough. A
memory relived is a memory rebuilt. A
bucket list undone is a sin. A long
lasting life is a life lived chill.